Queen Elizabeth: Major toilet worry royal staff face when monarch travels abroad

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Queen Elizabeth has been to all four corners of the globe over the course of her long lifetime. The monarch no longer carries out state visits due to her age, instead leaving this responsibility to the younger royals. However, when she did travel on behalf of the Royal Family on state visits, there was one rather intimate matter which particularly concerned her hosts.

Those hosting Queen Elizabeth when she travels have all manner of responsibilities to ensure her security and comfort.

A royal insider has revealed there’s one unlikely worry which is at the forefront of hosts’ minds.

The Telegraph’s former royal correspondent, Gordon Rayner, shared his insight with the newspaper.

He explained that the location of toilets and the loo roll on offer is of great importance when the Queen visits.

Rayner revealed that a “retiring room” is designated wherever the Queen and her husband Prince Philip, 99, travel.

The room can also double as a panic room in the case of an attack.

Loo roll is also clearly marked as not for use by anyone other than the royals.

“Sanitary ware is marked or sealed with stickers to warn others that they are reserved, as I have noted myself when blundering into the wrong gents’ (and being faced with a choice of breaking protocol or crossing my legs),” wrote Rayner.

In fact, toilet arrangements can be very stressful indeed.

A former aide is said to have told Rayner: “Hosts spend more time worrying about the loo arrangements than anything else, down to what colour the towels should be and whether the loo roll is a suitable brand.”

Staff also need to make sure the Queen has everything with her that she requires.

Peter Pigott explained in his 2005 book Royal Transport that Her Majesty likes to be surrounded by home comforts when she goes away.

According to Pigott: “The aircraft pantry is stocked with what the Queen is used to eating at home.

“Her monogrammed electric kettle accompanies her for a cup of China tea.

“In the spirits selection, Bollinger is not in evidence as neither the Queen nor Prince Philip drink champagne (and only pretend to sip it at toasts).”

He added: “Comfort foods such as Dundee cake, shortbread, and Tiptree raspberry and Chivers strawberry jam are loaded on board.”

Some things which accompany Queen Elizabeth are more practical, however.

“Prescription and spare reading glasses are carried for both Her Majesty and Prince Philip,” wrote Pigott.

“Barley sugar for Her Majesty to suck between speeches, a favourite hot-water bottle, and special feather pillows are all a must.”

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