Urgent hand luggage warning for those heading on summer holidays

With summer holidays underway and travel back and in full swing, many of us may have forgotten important carry-on rules. Those taking shorter hops are opting to carry hand luggage only so that means really thinking about what you need and what you can actually get through security.

Important carry-on rules to be aware of

Size and weight limits

Both the amount and dimensions of the luggage you may carry depend on the airline. Check the website before departure to find out how big and heavy your hand luggage can be.

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Liquids in your hand luggage

How liquids travel in hand luggage is a hotly contested topic. The official rules are as follows:

  • They must be in containers that can hold a maximum of 100ml each
  • The containers must be in a transparent plastic bag with a zip closure that can hold a maximum of 1 liter
  • It doesn’t matter how many containers are in the plastic bag
  • Products such as mascara, toothpaste, perfume, and deodorants also come under this rule

Powder in your hand luggage 

Powder or powder-like substances are now on the list of prohibited items and may no longer be carried if they exceed a volume of 350ml. This can include:

  • Baby Powder
  • Makeup
  • Coffee
  • Spices

Animals in our hand luggage

Whether pets are allowed in the cabin depends on the regulations of the airline. The animal must be transported in an approved transport container. Depending on the airline, the animal may weigh a maximum of 8kg.

The animal must be registered with the airline in advance and a leash must be carried, generally. The containers must be x-rayed and the animal must be carried through a security check.

Medication in your hand luggage 

General advice is to carry your important medications with you. Checked baggage may be lost during transportation or arrive late at a destination.

The USA has particularly strict rules for the import of medicines. The following medications may be carried with a written, English certificate from your doctor:

  • Liquids containing more than 100ml e.g. creams
  • Syringes for thrombosis or diabetes patients
  • Prescription drugs

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