‘I got revenge for airline’s pathetic luggage rule in the pettiest way possible’

A bloke who was flying to Poland was infuriated to realise that the airline’s policy meant he had to spend £60 on checked luggage he didn’t need. The content creator and his pal decided to get their revenge by checking in a single tube of toothpaste and a bag of iron weights.

Rob Adcock, who posts about budget travel an flight deals on his TikTok page, @robdidatiktok, had booked to fly from the UK to Poland for less than 28 hours. His short trip meant that he only wanted to take a carry on bag with him.

However, he claims that Wizz Air’s luggage policy only allows a certain number of passengers to travel with cabin luggage. After that limit is reached, holidaymakers must shell out to put luggage in the hold.

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The policy is in place as the airline kept running out of room in its overhead lockers and so had to redistribute how luggage was stored. But, Rob wasn’t happy.

In the clip, the creator slammed the airline's "pathetic" rule – and decided to check in 20kg weights just to make a point, which he said is "definitely the most petty thing I have done".

Speaking to the Daily Star, Rob explained why he put himself through so much trouble to make a point. He said: "I did it as a protest. There’s absolutely no need to charge people to have baggage especially when they don’t want it.

"It would make people think they’re only doing it because they want people to pay for it and not use it. The flight in question was full of Polish people going home for the summer holidays and to think those people would have to pay if they didn’t want luggage too during an expensive month just feels like profiteering.

"I have no issues with WizzAir. I’ve used them a lot. They do some great deals and I’ve made loads of TikToks about how good they’ve been in the past but this is just way too far. It feels like something even RyanAir wouldn’t do – and that’s saying a lot!

"I’d happily do it again even though it was not convenient at all!! Carrying that weight around in a Sports Direct bag for life is definitely not fun. Next time, I’ll just fill it with stones and rocks from the garden."

Rob’s travel companion Tom told him: "I think we fight fire with fire here. I’m gonna check a single tube of toothpaste into the hold, just to wind them up and see how they like it."

Rob also decided to protest the airline by packing his own unusual hold luggage. He said: "Friggin’ hate wasting money and buying thing I’m not going to use. So how can I get my money’s worth?"

The influencer – who has over 46,0000 followers, showed himself loading heavy gym weights into an old Sports Direct bag.

He commented: "Yes, I’m that petty that I’m going to check in 20 kilos of weight into the hold. Just so they don’t have money off me for nothing."

Rob and Tom then went to Luton airport and showed them checking in their strange luggage. Rob said: "Thinking I probably took it a bit too far at this point. Also 20 kilos of weights in the Sports Direct bag for life is a lot for my feeble arms. And, it’s incredibly inconvenient. I’m all for the pettiness at this point."

Rob worried that the check-in workers wouldn’t allow his weights to go in the hold. But, at the end of the video the crew simply asked for his passport.

In the comments, people were fans of Rob’s tactic. One person said: "This is my kind of petty".

While another added: "As if forcing you to fly from Luton isn’t enough." A third wrote: "Bet they’re fuming you checked that in."

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