Flight attendant urges people to always leave a shoe in their hotel room safe

A flight attendant has urged holidaymakers to always leave one shoe in their hotel room safe.

Esther, a member of cabin crew from Dutch airline KLM, often shares some handy hacks on her TikTok channel @esthersturrus, and revealed that the hotel safe trick has been a "game changer" for her when travelling.

The blonde beauty recently posted a video in which she revealed her go-to travel hacks when staying in a hotel.

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Most people keep their valuables and documents locked away in a hotel safe – but that does come with the risk that you'll end up forgetting some items when you head home.

But Esther has a clever trick to help, as reported by the Express; putting a single shoe in the safe. After all, when you're packing up, you'll wonder where your second shoe has gone which should help remind you to check for items in the safe!

In the clip, she wrote: "Worried about forgetting something from your locker? Put your heel or shoe in it and you won't forget it!" she said.

If you're not carrying more than one pair of shoes, place whatever item they think you wouldn't leave without in the safe, such as your jacket or coat.

It wasn't the only hack that Esther shared. Other useful tricks included using a clothes hanger to clip hotel curtains together, using a shower cap as a shoe cover so you don't get dirt in your suitcase, and using USB cables to charge devices in the TV if you forget an adaptor.

Of course one of the first things most people check in hotel rooms is the cleanliness – nobody wants to stay in a gross room.

However, former hotel workers have been warning people to check the bedding, and not just the pillows and duvets.

One hotel staff member shared their advice on Reddit, writing: "The top blankets aren’t washed regularly, so don’t get too intimate with them and don’t foul them up for the next person."

"While bedding does get cleaned, most hotel beds have a blanket or sheet over the duvet. It's often decorative and people usually remove them from the bed before sleeping – but it's also common for people to sit on them while relaxing on the bed after a long journey."

Have you got any hotel hacks or tricks you want to share? Email us at [email protected].

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