Surprising baggage hack that gives you ‘extra kilos to play with’

This Morning: Alice Beer reveals her top suitcase packing tips

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No one wants the stress of incurring extra bag charges before embarking on their travels. Skyscanner shared a tip that can help them avoid those additional costs every time.

Experts at Skyscanner stated: “No one wants to have to pay for unexpected baggage fees, but thankfully, there are many ways to keep baggage costs down (and no, they don’t involve wearing all of your clothes at once to save on packing space).”

The experts suggested that updating your suitcase or backpack might be all it takes to stop you incurring extra charges.

They advised: “When it comes to excess weight, your travel bags might be the culprit rather than your spare swimsuit.

“Older suitcases often have heavy frames which make a big dent in your total allowance.”

While the average medium-sized suitcase weighs around 4.1kg, a lightweight model can weigh as little as 2.2kg – 1.9kg less.

“Upgrading to a lighter case, or swapping your old hard-shell for a canvas backpack, could give you a couple of precious extra kilos to play with.”

A needlessly heavy suitcase is deadweight, and swapping it for a lighter one could afford you room for a few more holiday outfits – or room for souvenirs.

Their next tip was to be crafty with your hand luggage and maximise on space as much as possible.

Experts explained that premium airlines such as British Airways will often allow you to bring two items on board.

Budget airlines, however, will allow you to upgrade your in-cabin allowance to a larger bag that sits in the overhead locker.

They continued: “For example, if you upgrade your seat with easyJet you can bring a bag measuring 56 x 45 x 25cm on board with you.”

This would be instead of the 45 x 36 x 20cm bag everyone can bring on board for free.

“This could be a handy way to bring extra items along, without compromising on weight.

“Just remember to leave liquids, sharps and tools in your hold luggage or you may have them confiscated at security.”

Weighing as you go is also a way to keep on top of baggage costs and avoid any nasty surprises at the airport.

The experts stated: “If your wheelie is looking decidedly stuffed the night before you travel, you could save yourself a pretty penny by double-checking the weight while you’ve still got time to take out your just-in-case layers and extra pair of shoes.”

Rather than struggling to balance a suitcase on a bathroom scales, Skyscanner pros recommended purchasing a portable luggage scale, available at Amazon for as little as £8.99.

If you are travelling with a companion who packs light, you may not have to purchase a new suitcase, or upgrade to a larger bag.

“If your overweight baggage doesn’t make it past the check-in desk, you can avoid excess baggage fees by collaborating with your partner/best friend/mum to spread the weight across your checked luggage.

“Ask the airline staff to weigh your bags together, and you might not even have to swap any of your stuff.

“If they’re being picky, just pop to the nearest bathroom to even out your loads.”

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