Spain holidays ‘strict restrictions’ are putting Britons off – ‘don’t want to go’

Spain: British expat questions enforcement of Covid passes

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Spain holidays may be restricted, but they have not been completely cancelled. Britons who wish to enter the country can do so, provided they are fully (double dose) vaccinated.

Spain has reacted to the latest Covid variant, Omicron, by bringing in more restrictions, both at borders for holidaymakers and within the country.

In some regions, like Catalonia, curfews have been reintroduced, while it is now mandatory to wear a mask outside across the entire country.

All the restrictions are making Britons reconsider their holidays.

Twitter user ladyscrewlabour said: “Looks like we won’t be able to cancel/move our holiday next week (booked before Omicron).

“Restrictions are so strict in Spain – masks outside (even beach) unless sat at a table, restaurants and cafes operating at 33 percent capacity, shops at 25 percent and curfews – that we don’t want to go.”

The Briton apparently didn’t understand the rules fully, as it has widely been reported masks were not required on beaches.

Beaches are one of the exceptions to the mask-wearing rule in Spain, as was explained by the Spanish health minister, Carolina Darias.

When her mistake was pointed out, the original poster, however, admitted masks were not the only problem.

She said: “To be honest, it’s not just being there, it’s catching it and being stuck there.”

With travel restrictions both in Spain and in the UK, Britons may think twice about a holiday overseas.

A pre-departure test and a Day 2 PCR test when back in the UK have scared holidaymakers they could be “stuck” overseas.

Twitter user Pip wrote: “Friends have just cancelled their trip to Gran Canaria for the very same reason (strict mask-wearing and worrying about getting stuck out there). It’s a minefield.”

Meanwhile, Paul said: “I’ve been to Majorca twice this year and all the stress with test and paperwork.

“It’s not enjoyable and the run up to holiday should be enjoyable.

“I have two teenagers, so Spain are being a bit savvy. I’ll be back soon as things get back to some sort of affordable normal.”

And Poppy Jenx was trying to cancel her holiday as “Spain has reviewed their policy of face masks outside as well as inside to be worn”.

She was not the only one, with Andrew Gravil saying “masks mandated in Spain outdoors” meant people would have a very different “holiday experience” and calling on travel companies to allow Britons to cancel their holidays.

With the outlook of a Spain holiday marred down by restrictions, Britons may be trying to cancel, or wish to push back their travel.

Twitter user AC said: “We have cancelled three trips already in Q4/21 due to Covid and no doubt will be pushing at least two back in Q1!

“It’s frustrating I know but if it’s so restrictive so why bother?”

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