Royal travel: Etiquette expert shares what’s expected of Cambridge children on state visit

Princess Charlotte argues with mum Kate after helicopter journey

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Kate Middleton and Prince William have travelled with their children for both business and pleasure. Prince George, the eldest of the three Cambridge children, has already been on two state visits – Australia in 2014 and Germany in 2017. Prince Charlotte has only been on the royal tour to Germany while Prince Louis has been on no state visits.

In time, of course, the trio will rack up a great many visits as they jet all over the world in the footsteps of their parents. spoke to Anne Chertoff, Chief Operating Officer of Beaumont Etiquette (which runs the Duchess Effect Webinar) about the etiquette expected of George, Charlotte and Louis when they travel.

For now, little is expected of them as they are still very young, Chertoff explained.

“We can expect Princes George and Louis and Princess Charlotte to attend more public-facing events when they’re in their teens.”

The three will still have learned the basics, though.

“When Princes George and Louis and Princess Charlotte travel on an official trip it is likely they will have learned proper table manners for their ages, as well as how to curtsy or bow and to say please and thank you, said Chertoff.

However, “they are children and not considered ‘working royals.'”

Of course, travelling with little ones comes with a unique set of problems when travelling.

For instance, Charlotte was captured having what appeared to a tantrum while the family were at Hamburg Airport during the 2017 Germany visit.

Mum Kate seemed to handle the situation skillfully and crouched down to comfort her distressed daughter.

There is no set protocol for such situations, said Chertoff.

“Every parent has their own philosophy of managing a child having a tantrum,” she clarified.

“The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will have their own parenting style.”

There’s no denying the way royal parents interact with their children has changed over the years.

“There is less formality when the public sees royal parents and children interacting today,” explained Chertoff. 

“There are images of Queen Elizabeth formally greeting Prince Charles and Princess Anne when they were quite young, which is very different from the bear hugs Princess Diana would greet Princes William and Harry with.

“Today, the public can expect Royal parents to show more affection when interacting with their children in public.”

At the moment, the little ones often don’t attend their parents’ state visits.

Kate and William have carried out a number of childless trips over the last few years – but why is this?

“Formal state visits are considered business trips,” Chertoff detailed.

“They have schedules that are filled day and night leaving little time for the family to spend time together as they would on holiday.”

Instead, the children remain in the UK and are looked after by their nanny.

When they are teenagers, more will be expected of the Cambridges, as was seen with Princes William and Harry as they grew up.

Chertoff explained: “As the children get older and participate in more events and activities with their parents or other members of the Royal family, such as their grandfather, Prince Charles, the various events and activities and some of those attending will be explained to them.

“For example, when in another country they may be taught the correct greeting there.”

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