Disney is reducing waste with a composting effort: Travel Weekly

By 2030, Disney wants to stop sending waste to landfills. To help with that ambitious goal, the company has started a number of initiatives, including composting.

Last year, Disney started a pilot program at quick-service restaurant Restaurantosaurus at Disney’s Animal Kingdom. Almost everything guests receive there is compostable, including the cutlery and plates. When they’re done eating, they are greeted by three bins: a small one for trash and two larger ones for recycling and composting.

Compost is taken off-site and processed. Then, it’s used to enrich the soil in front of the very restaurant where it was used, as well as other spots in the park.

Over in California, at Circle D Ranch in Norco (where the Disneyland Resort’s horses live), hay and manure are composted locally. The facility recently earned its platinum certification as a zero-waste facility through the U.S. Zero Waste Business Council.

At Hong Kong Disneyland, food waste goes to a government-run anaerobic digestion facility. There, it’s turned into energy. The theme park also turns yard waste into mulch, which is then used for landscaping.

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