Cruise guests warned there are ‘cameras everywhere’

Cruise lines usually have a list of banned items that passengers aren’t allowed to bring onboard. From the more obvious such as illegal drugs and weapons to the more surprising such as electric fans, passengers could get in trouble if they bring a banned item on the ship.

A cruise guest wrote on Reddit: “One thing I’ve wondered about is what is done to prevent people from bringing illicit items onboard when they return from an excursion.” 

Many cruise lines allow passengers to bring a bottle or two of alcohol to drink in their cabin but this depends on the company.

Passengers will be allowed to bring alcohol they’ve bought at the port onboard but this will be confiscated until the end of the cruise.

Another guest ‘roj2323’ said: “Police, police dogs, random bag searches. Seriously, this isn’t something to mess around with.”

Some ports will have sniffer dogs to detect illegal drugs. Carnival Cruise Line recently issued a reminder to passengers about its ban on cannabis.

On some cruise ships, guests will need to pass through security scanners each time they board.

‘Kiwi_Halfpint’ said: “Your baggage, coats etc. goes through a scanner every time you return to the ship and you then walk through a metal detector.

“They can pull out anything that isn’t allowed – from multi plugs, travel irons, travel jugs, alcohol etc.”

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Illegal drugs, such as cannabis, won’t be detected at this point but cruise lines have other ways to monitor passengers.

The Reddit user continued: “You’ll be amazed how smoke from a cigarette will hit you 10 cabins up and they have cameras everywhere.”

Passengers aren’t allowed to smoke on their balcony on most cruise ships and will need to go to the designated smoking area.

Smoking is a fire hazard and it could also be very irritating for passengers in the neighbouring rooms.

Another passenger said: “Ships take balcony smoking seriously. Fine or removal from the ship.”

If passengers break the ship’s rules, they could be fined, removed from the ship or face a ban from the cruise line.

If they break the law, they could be held in the ship’s brig (jail) and handed over to local authorities at the next port.

Cruise passengers will also need to be aware of the laws in each destination they visit, as these will vary.

Possession of drugs is against the law in many destinations and can carry a very heavy punishment in some countries.

Wearing camouflage is against the law in several Caribbean countries, including Jamaica, as people could be mistaken for the police.

In some popular Mediterranean destinations, being shirtless away from the beach could incur a fine.

Some beaches also have a smoking ban which should be clearly indicated by signs in the area.

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